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Thursday, 13 February 2025

Focus Group Discussion of the 2025 Operational Curriculum


On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). This activity was held in the AFG605 room and led by the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Ir. Daisman P.B. Aji, S.T., Ph.D. Attended by lecturers, education staff, and students of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Trisakti.

The agenda in this FGD includes two important things, namely the renewal of the scientific vision of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program and the preparation of the Operational Curriculum 2025. These two topics have a crucial role in maintaining the relevance of Mechanical Engineering education with the development of science and current industrial needs.


In the first session, the discussion focused on updating the scientific vision of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program. This aims to ensure that the vision of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program remains in line with the latest trends in engineering, and is able to answer the challenges and opportunities that exist in the industrial world. This vision update is expected to provide a clear direction for the development of the study program in the future.

The next session was a discussion on the preparation of the Operational Curriculum 2025. The preparation of this curriculum is an important step in ensuring that graduates of the Trisakti University Mechanical Engineering Study Program have competencies that are in accordance with industry standards and technological developments that continue to grow. With an adaptive and relevant curriculum, students are expected to gain up-to-date knowledge and be ready to face challenges in the world of work.


Through this FGD, it is hoped that a curriculum can be realized that is not only responsive to the development of science and technology but also able to answer the needs of the increasingly dynamic industry. This discussion is a form of commitment from the Mechanical Engineering Study Program of Universitas Trisakti to ensure that its graduates are not only academically competent but also have skills and knowledge that are relevant to the challenges of the global industry.


This kind of activity is also expected to strengthen the relationship between lecturers, education staff, and students, as well as create a collaborative atmosphere in formulating the direction of education in the future. As a higher education institution, Universitas Trisakti continues to strive to realize quality education that is oriented toward the needs of the industrial world.

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