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Thursday, 05 September 2024

Farewell Event for Permanent Lecturers Entering Retirement Period

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti held a farewell ceremony for permanent lecturers who were entering retirement period. The event, which took place on the 5th floor of the F & G Building, Mechanical Engineering Department, was a moment full of emotion and pride, because two senior lecturers who had served for decades, Ir. Senoadi, M.T., and Ir. Yusep Mujalis, M.T., were officially released from their duties.

This event was attended by lecturers and educational staff of Mechanical Engineering, who also paid tribute to the two lecturers for their extraordinary dedication and devotion. The event was filled with sharing from the two retiring lecturers, who provided inspiration and important messages for future generations of lecturers and students, especially in the Mechanical Engineering Department.

Ir. Senoadi, M.T. has devoted himself as a lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department for 30 years, from 1994 to 2024. During his career, he taught various courses such as Heat Transfer I, Combustion Engines and Lubricants, Compressor Pumps, and Thermodynamics. Ir. Senoadi, M.T. has also served as Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering for two consecutive terms, from 2002 to 2005 and from 2005 to 2010. He has also served as Head of the Machine Testing Laboratory.

Ir. Yusep Mujalis, M.T. has a longer period of service, namely for 39 years, from 1985 to 2024. In the Mechanical Engineering Department, he taught courses in Mechanical Drawing, Structural Statics, Dynamics, and Machine Elements. Ir. Yusep Mujalis, M.T. also served as Secretary of the Master of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Head of the Foundry Laboratory, and Head of the Engineering Drawing Studio.

After sharing from the two retired lecturers, the event continued with the handover of mementos by the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Ir. Daisman Purnomo Bayyu Aji, S.T., Ph.D., as a symbol of appreciation for all the contributions they have made.

The event was closed with a group photo session and a friendly gathering, where all attendees could chat and reminisce about moments with the two retired lecturers.

A big thank you to Ir. Senoadi, M.T. and Ir. Yusep Mujalis, M.T. for their dedication and devotion as lecturers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti. Hopefully, the knowledge that has been taught can continue to be useful and become valuable provisions for the golden generation to come. Their contributions and dedication in the academic field have had a major impact on the development of the Mechanical Engineering Department and its graduates.

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