Physical Metallurgy Laboratory

Physical Metallurgy Laboratory

500 kN tensile/compression testing machine (RK-12003A)
Equipment in Physical Metallurgy Laboratory
Metallographic microscope

Each student as a practitioner understands the rules, limitations, credit load, learning achievement, the scope of material, reading material, and the weight of the value of physical metallurgy practicum.

In addition, the practitioner is expected to understand the procedure for implementing the practicum, the framework, and how to write a report on the results of a literature study and the preparation of a report on the implementation of the practicum.

After doing all the practicum materials, each practitioner is expected to get an added value that supports the physical metallurgy course. In addition, the quality of the overall learning program results can be accountable academically to all relevant parties.

  1. Tensile test
  2. Hardness test
  3. Jominy test
  4. Heat treatment
  5. Impact test
  6. Metallographic Inspection

A. Lecturer Research​

  1. Kirkendall Effect in A Copule of Bulk Metallic Glass and Crystalline Metal. (2017)
  2. Characterization of ZNO Nanoparticles from Waste Galvanized by Using Acetic Extraction Followed by Precipitation.( 2017)
  3. The effect of adding Cu to AI Sm liquid on the hardness of the steel crucible interface layer. (2017)
  4. Effect of plate thickness and casting position on skin effect formation in thin wall ductile iron plate. (2016)


B. Student Final Project Research

  1. Effect of Heat Treatment before HOTDIP Galvanizing and immersion time on the thickness of the Galvanized layer. (2018)
  2. The effect of variations in cooling media on the HOTDIP Galvanizing coating process on the quality of the zinc layer, the thickness of the zinc layer, and the microstructure of S45C steel. (2018)
  3. Analysis of variations in the thickness of the zinc layer resulting from hot dip galvanization of S45C steel on the corrosion rate with HCL medium. (2018)
  1. Material Introduction and Material Characterization (2018/2019)
  2. Introduction and Characterization of Materials to Industrial Society (2017/2018)
  3. Metal Hardness And Tensile Testing (2016/2017)
  4. Metallographic training for laboratory technicians and assistants (2015/2016)

Our research work has been published in an accredited Mechanical Engineering Journal.

  1. 500 kN tensile/compression testing machine (RK-12003A)
  2. 100 kN tensile testing machine
  3. Brinell hardness testing machine
  4. Rockwell hardness testing machine
  5. Universal hardness testing machine
  6. Shore hardness testing machine
  7. Impact testing machine A
  8. Impact testing machine B
  9. Electric furnace A
  10. Electric furnace B
  11. Jominy testing machine A
  12. Jominy testing machine B
  13. Rotary polishing machine
  14. Grinding machine
  15. Cutting machine
  16. Metallographic microscope
  17. Torsion testing machine
Campus A, F & G (Hery Hartanto) Building 1st Floor

Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti

  • Head of Laboratory : Ir. Daisman Purnomo Bayyu Aji, S.T., Ph.D.
  • Practicum Coordinator : Dr. Rianti Dewi Sulamet Ariobimo, S.T., M.Eng., I.P.M.
  • Head of Practicum : Ir. Muhammad Fadhlan, S.T., M.T.
  • Laboratory Assistant : –
  • Email :
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