CAD/CAM Studio

CAD/CAM Studio

CAD/CAM Studio
CAD/CAM Studio

To organize CAD/CAM & CAE practicum to support the implementation of academic activities in the Mechanical Engineering Department, especially for courses based on computer design, visual model analysis, and product manufacturing with CNC machines such as:

  • CAD/CAM course
  • Advanced CAD/CAM course
  • Product Design and Development course
  • Fast Manufacturing course
  • Mould Technology course
  • CNC Programming course

In addition, it is also as a facilitator for lecturers and students to conduct scientific research and community service.

1. CAD Practicum
Practical material includes Concepts and Making 3D Geometric Modeling using the CATIA V5 Part Design, Assembly, and Drafting modules.

2. CAE Practicum
Practical material includes analysis of CAD geometric models using the Analysis and Simulation CATIA V5 module modules

3. CAM practicum
Practical material includes the selection of cutting tool trajectory strategies and CNC programming from CAD geometric models using the Machining CATIA V5 module and the use of Telemanufacturing technology to execute programs generated on CNC machines.

4. 3D Laser Scanner Practicum
Practical material includes the use and working concepts of laser scanners using the triangulation method, as well as processing the scanner data into 3D objects in CATIA V5 software.

A. Lecturer

1Trisakti University, Fluidized Bed of Combustion Model with Friendly Biomass Fuel2016


B. Student Final Project

1The Effect of Infill Density on Dimensional and Geometry Accuracy in 3D Printing Machine Products2019
2Redesign of Butterfly Valve and Gate Valve Design at PT. X with DFMA Method Approach2019
3Modification of Multifunctional Chilli Sauce Mixer Machine With Design For Manufacturing And Assembly (DFMA) Approach2019
4Implementing Repair Maintenance To Reduce Technical Constraints On Alpha Produksi Production Lines2019
53D Laser Scanner Turntable Flatness Evaluation2019
6Modification of the 3D Printer Machine Based on Fused Deposition Modeling2019
7Main Oil Pump Shaft Revitalization Process Planning2019
8Integrated 3D Laser Scanner Qualification Tool Using Three Types Of Smartphones As Input Devices2019
9Effect of Particle Diameter and Air Distributor Design on Fluidization in Fluidized Bed2018
10Caterpillar Track Type Tractor D5K Maintenance System Analysis With Fault Tree Analysis Approach2018
11Sheet Metal Forming Process Planning For Smart Drawers2018
12Evaluation of Geometric Accuracy of Parallel Block Alignment, Perpendicularity, and Straightness According to Standard DIN 6346 and DIN ISO 27682018
13Welding Planning Process for Base Plate Replacement in Fuel Storage Tanks2018
14Surface Grinding Machine Geometric Accuracy Test Using SNI Standard 05-1362-19892018
15Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger Material Selection Using the CFD Method2018
16The Effect of Plate Number on Plate Type Heat Exchanger Using Computational Fluid Dynamic Method2018
1Utilization of CAD/CAM and 3D Printing in the Design of Plastic Products for Communities / Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in JABODETABEK2019
2Scientific Article Writing and Reference Management Training in Bekasi2019
3Introduction to Drawing 3D Products Using CAD-CATIA V5 for Youth and Youth Organizations in JABODETABEK2018
4Industrial Revolution 4.0 3D Printing Training and Introduction2018
5Scientific Article Writing and Reference Management Training2018
6Utilization of 3D Laser Scanner in Making Toy Prototypes2017
7Scientific Article Writing and Reference Management Training for Teachers in North Bekasi2017
8Reference Management Training Using Endnote Software for Thesis Writing2016


  1. Main Oil Pump Shaft Revitalization Process Planning. Proceedings of the 2019 Trisakti University Expert National Seminar, ISSN : 2615-2584, pp. 1.51-1.5.8
  2. Analysis of the Strength of the Extruder Support Frame Modification of the Single Nozzle 3D Printer Machine into Dual Nozzles. Proceedings of the 2019 Trisakti University Expert National Seminar, ISSN : 2615-2584, pp 1.45.1-1.45.7
  3. The Accuracy of Product Dimensions Resulting from the Modification of the FDM Dual Extruder Machine. Proceedings of the 2019 Trisakti University Expert National Seminar, ISSN : 2615-2584, pages 1.44.1-1.44.7
  4. Qualification Tool Integrated 3D Laser Scanner Using Three Types Of Smartphones As Input Devices. Proceedings of the 2019 Trisakti University Expert National Seminar, ISSN : 2615-2584, pp 1.29.1-1.29.7



  1. Catterpilar Track Type Tractor D5K Maintenance System Analysis With Tree Analysis Approach. Proceedings of the 2018 Trisakti University Scholars Seminar, ISBN :2460-8696, ISSN : 2540-7589,Vol.1, No.4, Pages 463-469, 2018
  2. Sheet Metal Forming Process Planning For Smart Drawer. Proceedings of the 2018 Trisakti University Scholars Seminar, ISBN :2460-8696, ISSN : 2540-7589, Vol.1, No.4, Pages 679-684, 2018
  3. Effect of Particle Diameter on Fluidization Phenomenon in Fluidized Bed. Proceedings of the 2018 Trisakti University Scholars Seminar, ISBN :2460-8696, ISSN : 2540-7589, Vol.1, No.4, Pages 57-62, 2018
  4. Effect of Particle Density And Particle Height To Fluidization In The Fluidized Bed. Proceedings of the 2018 Trisakti University Scholars Seminar, ISBN :2460-8696, ISSN : 2540-7589, Vol.1, No.4, Page 758-763, 2018
  5. Material Selection For Shell And Tube Heat Exchanger Using Computational Fluid Dynamic Method. AIP Conference 2018
  6. Comparration Of Steam Losses Among Mechanical, Thermostatic and Thermodynamic Steam Trap With Condensate Removal Device Brand XYZ. AIP Conference 2018
  7. Fluid Flow Analysis And Subsea Pipeline Flow Insulation Using Pipesim. Indonesian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, ISSN : 2597-7563



  1. Design and Build a Flare Tip Codification System Using Group Technology Approach Method. Journal of Synergy Mercu Buana University, ISSN : 1410-2331, Vol.21 No. 2 , 2017
  2. Comparative Analysis of Water Pipe Engineering Design Calculations With Simulation Using Pipesim Software Against Operating Conditions at Field X At PT. Pertamina. 3rd National Seminar of Scholars 2017. ISSN : 2540, Book I
  3. Effect of Additives Additives Octane Booster X on Performance and Exhaust Gas Emissions for All New CB150R Type Motorcycle Vehicles. Mercubuana Publication Journal



  1. The Influence of Ecomaintenance on Power Consumption of The Lathe Machines. Applied Mechanics and Materials, ISSN: 16609336, Vol. 842, pp. 381-387, 2016
  2. A Comparison Process of 3D Model Quality Using 3D Laser Scanning Triangulation Method. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ISSN 1819-6608 Vol. 11, No. 2, January 2016
  3. Effect of Intake Air Velocity and Particle Diameter on Fluidized Bed Using CFD Method, Proceedings of SNTTM XV, ITB Bandung

A. Hardware

  • Desktop PC
  • 3D Printer Machine
  • 3D Laser Scanner
  • Plotters and printers
  • Multimedia properties
  • Computer network
  • Data logger hardware & software


B. Software

  • CATIA V5 – Dassault Systèmes-IBM (CAD/CAE/CAM)
  • Altair HyperWorks (CAE)
  • PowerShape-DELCAM (CAD)
  • PowerShape Toolmaker-DELCAM (CAM)
  • PowerMill-DELCAM (CAM)
Campus A, F & G (Hery Hartanto) Building 8th Floor

Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Trisakti

  • Head of Studio : Dr. Ir. Sally Cahyati , M.T., IPM.
  • Practicum Coordinator : Rosyida Permatasari, Ph.D.
  • Head of Practicum : Rosyida Permatasari, Ph.D.
  • Laboratory Assistant : Ahmad Bukhari Muslim, A.Md., S.T.
  • Email :
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